Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ultra Women vs the hunters.

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few pictures from out upcoming chapter in a world where they're hunted as game. Too brutal for DA. More beautiful art from the amazingly talented. Ladytania.deviantart.com


  1. Love all three of these poser arts works, of course you know I do love the more brutal aspect of the heroine peril, & you have captured some really powerful & dark creations here, Very Nice Tania :)

    1. Glad you liked it Drew. Tania does an amazing job of bringing our more brutal ideas to life. Several of our earlier stories involve themes like this with the heroines dying at the end of each scene

  2. Amazing work on all of these. Fantastic despair, I really look forward
    to this story when you're ready to put it up. I don't know how dark
    you are going to get, but I am ready to take a gander. I really love
    Claire's scene. The jungle is a great place for this one. I don't know how dark you want to be, but she could be paralyzed by the thrust instead of dead. She can be planted near a colony of driver ants which she can see coming to devour her. Just a thought. This place is fabulous, Ladytania. I hope it gives you a lot of fun, and I look forward to seeing where your imagination takes the Ultra Ladies.

    1. Thanks for the great idea! We are going to write this story eventually in our current universe. It actually stemmed out of playing the new Tomb Raider video game. Lots of great death scenes...just had to move it over for our characters

  3. Yikes who are these guys? How are they able to defeat the champions of the greatest warriors on earth? Are they offering lessons?

  4. The subject isn't really my thing but I can appreciate how well done these pictures are.

  5. Fabulous images of the beaten Ultra Woman! I think Tania saves her best work for these more graphic images!
