Tania had sipped on the free drink while watching with amusement as Sera fumbled with the boy wanting to dance. She looked out over the crowd of dancers on the floor. Tania had always tried not to stick out too much, but with the glasses on and her hair pulled back, she definitely stood out in a crowd with almost no glasses and loose hair flailing wildly around gyrating shoulders.
"I saw that and he was really nice looking, was he not?" she asked as she continued to sip on her drink. Tania felt a warmth pass through her and she gave the drink a look of appreciation. She had drank alcohol before...back on the island, they had their wine...but this tasted wonderful. "And look," she said as Tania turned from the bar to peer out again over the dancers. "You do not really have to know how, it is not formal at all. You just sort of feel the music and move with it!"
Tania put down her drink, pulled the glasses off her face and put them in the small pocketbook she was carrying. She reached back and pulled out the clip from her hair then shook her head to loosen up the straight, dark blonde hair. "Come on!" she grinned and grabbed Sera's hand and dragged her onto the dance floor. As she walked onto the dance floor as if she owned it, Tania caught a glimpse of two girls in the corner kissing passionately and it distracted her for a second. She felt her sex tingle and her nipples tighten. "No no," she thought to herself, "only fun tonight, do not risk your friendship with Sera!"
Once on the floor, as the lights flashed and the music pounded, Tania turned around and started to dance. "It is easy," she shouted to be heard over the music, "just let it happen!"
"That's them," Divina said to the group of men in the semicircular booth. Like royalty overlooking their serfs, the rich men, all dressed in the finest club clothes, all manicured and prepped for a night on the hunt, watched as the blonde let her hair down and the green haired girl went onto the dance floor. "I told you, Michelle Fox and one of her freaky friends!"
The man in the middle looked up and sneered at Divina. "That's not Michelle Fox, you stupid bitch! Fox has a bigger tits, not as hard an ass, and lighter hair." He trailed off as he ran his hands over his long blonde hair tied back in a short ponytail. He had the build of a linebacker and the personality of a spoiled frat boy too old for school, which was about what he was.
"But dyaamn Chase," said the black man sitting next to the blonde man. He was not as muscular as Chase, but tall and lean. "Look at that shit. She's got it going on and look at those fucking legs. I'd fucking stick my dick in that ass all night!"
Chase watched the two women dance and had to agree. They were hotter than hell and fresh meat in this slut market of a club. "Alright. You," he said to Divina, "go get those special drinks ready. Looks like me and Antonio get the blonde, who wants the freaky green haired chick with the big tits and ass?"
Two more men were more than eager to step forward. Nate and Matt moved up out of the crowd of goons eagerly. Both were clean cut and well dressed. Matt with his blonde cropped hair and piercing blue eyes was barely 20 years old. Nate was a couple years older with short dark brown hair and deep chesnut eyes. They worked girls over at DV8 together all the time, like a well oiled machine.
"We'll take the punky bitch" Nate said with a smile.
"Lets get a couple more drinks in them first though" Matt responded
Meanwhile on the dance floor Sera was being drawn in by everything around her. The smell of mixed perfume, the smoke curling up along writhing bodies from the vents in the floor and the way the lights made everything seem to move in slow motion. She moved slowly at first, not wanting to embarrass herself. Shifting side to side, her hands at her hips as Tania swayed exotically in front of her. The Princess could have sword the woman in front of her was an Amazon goddess with the way she moved.
She found their eyes locked for a moment as they moved back and forth together on the dance floor. Sera tried to avert her gaze but couldn't seem to pull them away. As bodies moved around them on all sides, the air grew hot, almost stifling. Sera could feel sweat beading on her skin, leaving it with a glistening shine, a single bead rolling down off her neck and funneling down between her breasts. She raised both of her own hands and grabbed the clip, emulating Tania as she removed her hair clip and let her long locks fall down across her back like silk.
As her confidence grew she moved in closer to Tania, pressing her body up against the Amazon's. She rubbed up against Tania's stronger body, moving in unison with her own body's motions. A wide smile crossed Sera's face as she felt the music become part of her. She brought her hands up to the blonde's hips, feeling them gyrate from side to side with the beat thumping all around her. As she let Tania's body lead her she began to loosen up more and more, never losing her gaze even as their chests pressed together, surging together back and forth amidst the crowd.
Sera could feel her breath growing heavier as they danced, her heart thumping in her chest like a jackhammer. She couldn't believe how much fun and how exciting this place was. As they continued dancing together a short, chesty brunette approached them on the dance floor. She was holding a tray with two small glasses filled with a yellow fluid in them. She smiled brightly as she held the tray up to the sweaty women.
"On the house. From the owner!" She chirped.
Sera didn't hesitate, assuming that the drink would be just as good as the others. She grabbed the glass and brought it to her lips, tossing her head back and swallowing the tiny drink in one gulp. She relished the warm feeling as the lemon flavored drink slid down her throat. Her purple eyes closed and she let out a contented sigh before reopening them. She instantly reached for the second drink of the tray and held it up to Tania's lips.
"Here! You have to try this! Open up!" She chuckled, preparing to pour it into her friend's mouth.
"Sera I...ggglpp!" Tania said as she hesitated then drank down the warm yellow liquid down. As a drop leaked out the corner of her mouth, Tania caught it on her fingers. Seeing the happy grin on Sera's face, Tania could only smile back happily as she licked her fingers.
"Enjoy ladies!" the brunette chimed before taking the glasses and tray away and disappearing into the crowd.
Tania watched and shrugged. She saw the bright light in Sera's eyes and it filled Tania with joy. Her friend had been through so much but she had been tough and managed to overcome the battle with her brother and the Minyaks and slavers...she deserved to have some fun. As Tania danced and their bodies were bumped by the other dancers, as sweat rolled down her tanned body and funneled between her breasts as well, Tania's big blue eyes watched Sera's every move. She put her hands on Sera's hips as her own hips swayed. The crowd was all around, forcing them closer and closer together. Out of the corner of her eye, Tania again caught a glimpse of the two women in the corner making out and oblivious to everything else happening in the club.
Normally Tania had the inner strength to control her desires. Perhaps it was the club, perhaps the girls in the corner, perhaps it was simply because it had been so long since she had laid with someone, but Tania could not resist much longer. She could feel the tingling in her sex as her panties seemed to huge her pussy lips too tightly. Every little dance movement made her firm breasts jiggle ever so much, and her nipples brushed against the inside of her bra sending sparks flying down through her nerves to send pulses of pleasure into her head, which set off mini explosions in her sex. If Sera just put her tongue on Tania's clit, or pushed a finger between her pink lips, Tania would have screamed out an orgasm right here.
"Gods...Sera..." she groaned, her blue eyes heavy as she licked her lips. She knew she had to restrain and control her urges, but for some reason, every bit of restraint in her steely Amazon will had drained out of her. She let her hands wander to the small of Sera's back as she started to pull the alien princess forward and...
"Excuse me!" Tania heard a male voice say as a hand touched her shoulder. She looked over to see a large, muscular young man with a thick mane of blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and bright blue eyes with the scruff of unshaven dark blonde beard. Behind him was younger blonde man with short cropped blonde hair. "Hi! I'm Chase, this is my brother Matt. You two are beautiful, would you like to dance?"
Sera's brow furrowed in annoyance. That warm feeling in her belly, the tingling she felt spreading throughout her entire form, was just interrupted by those two men. She looked them over, Tania's hands still on her hips, and while they were definitely attractive, she felt something special with Tania and she was happy with the way the night was going. She couldn't explain it but she was so much more attracted to Tania than she had ever been to another women in all her years back on Avalonia.
Looking back over her shoulder she could see Matt split off from Chase's side and move around behind her, a boyish smile spreading across his youthful face. She could see him undressing her with his eyes, that bulge in the front of his pants. She smiled shyly at him before responding to their offer politely.
"Thanks for the offer boys. But I'm dancing with my friend right now. Maybe later?"
As she turned back to Tania, the two men took a step backwards each, watching from a distance but not willing to give up just yet. They would get their shot they knew, but the sight of two of the most beautiful women they had ever seen grinding up against one another was something they were not about to balk at. Sera moved up closer to Tania once more, the fingers at her lower back sending slight shocks up her spine. As she pressed her body up into Tania's their breasts mashed up against one another, Sera's rock hard nipples pressing up against her ample cleavage through their tops.
She slid one of her hands up around the back of Tania's neck, her fingertips gently caressing the soft skin as her fingers ran up into the soft golden locks at the base of her skull. Pulling Tania's head in close to her's as they ground up against one another, Sera pressed her forehead up against her friends. Her alien body was burning for any kind of attention from her friend. Her breasts were swollen, her skin was slick with sweat laced with her own pheromones and she could feel her panties dampen between her legs. As they stared deeply into one another's eyes, swaying to the beat of the music, their lips inches apart, Sera's breath grew ragged, desperate to kiss those full lips.
"Hey you..." She whispered softly, practically a moan of pleasure.
The young princess couldn't remember wanting anything more ever in her life before. Tania was almost intoxicating to her. Everything they had been through together just made Sera want her more. Her fingers ran through the blonde hair that swayed side to side as they dance. Her free hand slid from resting on Tania's hip to her firm ass, pulling her in closer as their hips pressed together in the hedonistic dance. Matt and Chase both stood only a few feet away, their jaws open and eyes wide as they gawked at the sight before them, just waiting for their chance.
Tania pulled Sera even closer, as their breasts compressed together. Her own, high firm breasts pressed into Sera's plumper and softer breasts as her hands slid down the small of Sera's back to her equally plump ass. She felt Sera's hands in her hair and felt the urge to grab Sera and use her, just as she had taken charge when she was with Claire back on the island.
She looked into Sera's beautiful big eyes, like a deer in headlights at times. Tania reached up and slipped her hand at the back of Seraph's head then gathered up her silken green hair. "Hello Princess," Tania breathed back in response to Sera. "I want you so badly," she admitted as Tania could resist no longer. She felt the bodies around her, bumping into her hard ass and brushing against her legs as the dancers around them slowly became aware of the two horny women. "And Amazons take what they want," Tania breathed before pulling Sera's head back to her hair. She kissed the side of Sera's neck, just below the ear, and began to trail down the inside of the alien girl's throat.
Behind her, Tania could hear voices speaking, but she was utterly focused on Sera. With one hand at the small of Sera's back, Tania straighened back up and looked down into Sera's purple eyes, her own blue eyes blazing as if to dare Sera to fight. Tania held Sera in that position, slightly bent back and dominated by the blonde Amazon, before Tania brushed her lips over those plump Avani limps, then kissed Sera.
From the edges of the crowd, Antonio and Nate watched. "That blonde is the man huh?" he said jabbing Nate in the ribs. "By the time I get done with her, she'll be my bitch!"
Tania looked up from Sera as her tongue darted down. She saw others in the crowd watching and Tania could only give them a sly smile. A few came forward behind Ser
As the kiss continued Sera's passion grew. Her warrior spirit wanted to playfully spar with Tania, but something deep inside her wanted to submit to Tania. To let her command her and on some level she wanted the kiss to last forever. In the short time she'd known Tania she had never seen that particular fire in her eyes and something called to the princess to yield to it. As her lithe body was leaned back, a deep throated moan escaped Sera's lips, muffled by the continued lip lock.
"Oh god Tania...." She gasped softly.
As their bodies ground together, Sera ground her sex up against Tania's thigh. Her sex was practically dripping with the sweet coconut smell of her Avani fluids. The princess couldn't remember ever being this aroused in her entire life. She wanted to sink into Tania's arms and experience everything her body had to offer. The feeling of her hot breath washing over her tanned skin drove Sera mad with desire. Slowly she brought her hand up from Tania's skirt covered ass, along the small of her back, following her spine up to the base of her neck. Linking her fingers together Sera pulled Tania's face into the kiss, meeting her lips with equal passion and fervor.
"Looks about right" Matt whispered to Chase.
Chase smiled to Matt and nodded slightly. The pair of them had worked together before and were experts and molesting unsuspecting or distracted girls. As the crowd surged around Tania and Sera, their lips never breaking contact except to occasionally nibble on a neck or ear, Chase and Matt found it really easy to get close without attracting too much attention. Spreading out to either side of them they swayed with the music.
"Easy..." Matt whispered to himself.
Reaching out with a steady hand Matt touched the back of Sera's thigh, gently running a hand up the back of it until it rested on her round ass, bunching her skirt up slightly and revealing the white thong underneath. Spreading his fingers out he grasped her firm cheek and gave it a gentle squeeze, making Sera break the kiss momentairly with a surprised squeak. The squeeze registered for a second, but she quickly gave into her body's desires and returned her attention to Tania. Leaning back in and kissing her again, she tugged on Tania's lower lip with her teeth playfully, purring with delight. Her hands slid back down Tania's back to her ass once again and gripped each cheek, bunching her skirt up as Tania held her suspended over the floor.
Chase moved up behind Tania's bent over form as she continued kissing Sera. His eyes flashed with excitement as he watched the two stunning women go at each other, the bursts of smoke rising out of the floor vents curling around their sweat soaked bodies. Looking down he spotted her naked ass, Sera's hands palming it excitedly as she ground up against her. He licked his lips as he looked down at the thin strip of black fabric dipping between her ass cheeks and couldn't wait any longer. He reached out, bringing his hands up between her legs from behind.
"Damn..." Chase groaned as he pulled Tania's skirt up to see the tightest, firmest ass he had ever seen, better than an olympic skater. Most of the women here danced every night and most had asses that were firm but none of them had this tone and curve to it without being all masculine. Even this blonde bitch's friend with her big ass had nothing on the firmness of this one, at least to Chase.
Tania thrust her tongue into Sera's mouth as she tried to utterly dominate her alien friend. The restraint she normally felt, to hold down the Amazon inside her, that part of Tania that wanted to be in control of her lovers, was fading. She was of two minds, a person conflicted. Part of Tania wanted to dominate her Amazon sisters and friends, as she did with Claire too often, but when it came to a man, she wanted to let go of that strong side of her, to be soft and complaint and feminine. With Sera, the darker side was coming out.
She kept a hand in the middle of Sera's waist, bending the princess back as she released her green hair. Her hand reached down to run up Sera's leg, then brush over the skirt covering her sex, over her taut belly before teasing at Sera's heavy breast. Tania lifted it up inside her blouse and kneaded the heavy gland in her strong, Amazon hand.
Slowly Tania began to realize that her skirt was lifted up. She caught herself spreading one of her long legs to give the hand access, but hesitated. What was she doing? Slowly her natural Amazon resistance to the drug was starting to kick in. Here she was, in public, glasses off, body becoming more and more exposed, the last thing she needed was for someone to figure out this was Ultra Woman making out with an alien princess, since a few had seen the Avani Star Sapphire when Tania had returned to earth. She pulled away from the kiss and caught her breath. She released Sera's breast and smoothed down her blouse, even though her sex was alive and puffy and staining the black lacy thong covering it. Tania wanted nothing more than a big, thick slab of man ravishing her, or at least Tania wanted to use Sera for a night of incredible pleasure..but...a shiver passed through her Amazon body. She clenched her teeth and willed herself to get control of the urges burning through her.
Chase watched in amazement as the blonde started to shake off the effects of the drug. With practiced skill, he let her skirt slip from his fingers as he moved into the crowd just enough to make himself relatively invisible.
Sera practically oozed sexuality as Tania's knowing hand worked over her swollen breast. She groaned passionatly into her lover's mouth as she felt the massive orb sloshing around her chest underneath the tight fitting tank top. She jumped slightly letting out a muffled squeak as she felt Tania's fingers slide over her sex for a moment.
As the kiss broke Sera let out a long dejected sigh, not wanting it to end. The powerful Amazon arms now releasing her, Sera stood wavering side to side on her feet, drunk with passion and the alcohol inside of her system. Her breath came in heavy ragged panting as she stood staring at Tania as she composed herself. She moved in closer, almost staggering as she approached her. A slightly confused look covered her face as she looked to her friend.
"Why did you..." She asked breathily, leaning in close once more, her body still burning with desire for Tania
As the sight before them changed Matt and Chase moved in, seeing their opportunity arise. The blonde girl was obviously unnerved by something and the green haired slut was raring to go. Matt licked his lips as he watched how Sera's body language gravitated toward Tania. The girl was all but begging to be fucked, despite the public location.
"This is gonna be easy..." Matt whispered to Chase.
"Speak for yourself" Chase responded watching how Tania quickly shrugged off the drugs in her system.
The two men moved in with purpose, each moving up behind one of the girls and taking an arm in one hand. They began ushering them away from the dance floor 'helpfully' as they moved toward a dimly lit booth at the back of the club.
"You don't look so good" Matt whispered into Sera's ear.
"Let's get em somewhere to sit!" Chase chimed in helpfully with a wink.
Sera tugged at her arm slightly, not liking how she was pulled away from Tania, but when she saw they were being led to the same place, she relented and allowed herself to be led. The large table was in the center of a half circle booth with a curved cushioned bench. The two men moved in behind each of the girls, helping them into the booth before sliding in on either side of them, keeping them trapped between them.
"There we go. We can just relax a little now until you're feeling better" Chase said to Tania with a coy smile.
"Two juices. It'll help you feel better" Matt said with a smile, sliding two glasses across the table toward each of the girls.
Sera sighed softly, sitting next to Tania, their arms pressed up against one another as the guys kept them packed in tightly. There was so much room at this table. Why were they all smashed together at the back? She shrugged and looked down at the dark pink liquid in front of her. Grabbing the glass she began to sip at it, the sugary flavor hiding the alcohol and drug inside almost perfectly. Letting out a long Ummmmmm she downed the drink, setting the glass down with a lazy smile.
"Delicious!" She sighed, leaning back in the bench, her hand falling down underneath the table and landing at the top of Tania's thigh.
"Here, you could use this," Chase said as he slid the glass of purple liquid to Tania.
"N...no, thank you," Tania said as she pushed it away. Something was wrong, Tania could feel it. Sera was an incredibly sexual creature, just as all the Avani were, but Tania had never seen the Princess act with so little restraint. In fact, Tania would have not acted the way she had on the dance floor normally....would she? Right now she could feel her body burning with desire and she was so tempted to share the night with Sera, despite the worries Tania had about damaging their friendship. Should she take it further? Tania absently took the glass of purple drink in her hand and rolled the liquid around inside it.
"Are you okay?" Chase asked as he pushed one of Tania's blonde curls from her cheek.
Tania shook her head a little. "No, I feel...odd..." she explained even though it was hard to hear her voice over the pumping music of the club. "I...oh!" she suddenly gasped as she felt Sera's hand slip up her thigh and under her skirt until she reached the top of the little thong Tania was wearing. She quickly put her hand under the table and grabbed Sera's wrist and gently pushed it away. As she did, Chase took advantage of her distraction and guided the glass to her lips. Tania tipped the glass back absently as she looked and saw an expression of lust on Sera's beautiful face.
"Sera, maybe we should get out of h..." Tania started to say as a wave of warmth passed through her. She stopped in mid-sentence as her body seized up. Sweat oozed from her pores as her sex puffed up and pushed her to the edge of an orgasm right there in the booth. Her nipples ached painfully all of a sudden and Tania wrapped her arms around her chest. Her nipples were burning and felt like half the blood in her body was engorging them.
Chase watched as Antonio held his breath. The blonde had fought off the effects out on the dance floor and they had never seen that. So each girl had gotten another glass. The green haired chick had gotten a mild enhancer, the normally purple mixture as usually had been diluted with water and alcohol. But for the blonde, she got it pure and undiluted. The last time this had happened, they had nearly killed the last slut that had drank it. Not that they cared, they just dumped her near the 24 hour clinic as an overdose victim and had went back to hunting victims as if nothing had happened. So either this blonde slut was going to be the wildest whore they had ever had, or she was going to have a heart attack and die.
Tania squirmed in her seat as the fluid brought her body to explosive life. Her head rolled back against the back of the curved booth as kneaded her breasts with her nipples in the palms of her hands. "Oh Gods...burning..." she groaned. Finally she began to feverishly unbutton the silk top. "Gods...make it stop!"
Sera scooted closer to Tania as she writhed in the booth next to her. The Amazon squirmed into the cushions in ecstasy as the drug began coursing through her system. As Sera turned and faced her she reached up with her free hand and touched Tania's cheek, turning her face toward her's. The Avani could feel the warmth of her flushed skin in her palm.
"Tania...are you alright?" She gasped breathily.
She could see the lust in her friend's clouded eyes as she stared deep into them. Their face inches away from one another, Sera wanted nothing more than to kiss those parted lips, the drug effecting her own inhibitions as well. And the effect Tania's own reactions to the drug were having on Sera's willpower were noticeable. The musky aroma of her sweat soaked body and the kittenish protests she made were almost more than Sera could take.
"Tania you have to...Oh...." She gasped softly.
As Tania began unbuttoning her own blouse, Sera reached up and grabbed her hand, trying to stop her after she unfastened the first three. But as Tania's breath rushed over her lips, Sera's own desires began to take control of her. Her hand slid forward, slipping inside of her top and across her heaving breasts. She licked her lips, still holding Tania's gaze as her fingers began working over her breast with a knowing touch that came from years of pleasuring women and men back on Avalonia.
"Holy shit Matt." Nate whispered "You ever see anything like that before?"
:"Not here man" Matt responded, his eyes never leaving the two women.
Sera's free hand slid across her own body underneath the table as Tania squirmed in place. Her delicate fingers slid up the inside of Tania's thigh again, moving up to her thong covered sex. Sera purred softly as she felt the damp fabric touching her fingertips. Her purple eyes were a hazy and half closed as the drug pulsed through her veins. Her hand continued rolling Tania's massive breast between her fingers, her thumb pressing down on her rock hard nipple at the same time as her fingers began running the length of her slit through the little black thong.
All four of the men watched with rapt attention, their jaws wide open. None of them had ever seen anything like this before. The two hottest women that had ever entered the club were now practically going at each other in the booth between them.
"That green haired girl is persistant." Matt chuckled softly
"I still get the blonde" Chase responded, his eyes never leaving Tania.
"Think they're ready?" Nate asked, eyes still locked on fingers as they massaged Tania's breast underneath her blouse.
"Wait...Lets see what the blonde does" Antonio finally responded.
Tania slid down in the booth and her long legs opened up to give Sera better access. She laid her head back against the padded booth seat and closed her eyes. Her lips opened up silently as she felt Sera's practiced finger pass along her slit. She tilted her hips as the purple liquid burned through her. Tania's heart was racing as she reached her hands down her sides then to the people on either side of her.
She felt a hand grab her by her wrist and Tania felt the masculine size of the hand. She turned to look at Chase as she let him guide her. For some reason, she wanted him. She wanted Sera. She wanted the black man sitting on the other side of Chase. She slipped her wrist free and felt for the top of his slacks. As Sera kept sliding a finger along Tania's slit, Tania slipped her fingers beneath Chase's belt, then wriggled them past the elastic of his boxers. Down she went, through the male manicured pubic hair.
"Ooohhhhgoods.." she groaned as Tania's hand reached Chase's cock. She placed her warm fingers around his shaft. Her mouth opened and she licked her lips as her hand began to stroke it in tiny little motions inside Chase's pants.
"Fuck yeah," Chase said with a grin to Antonio. "This bitch is ready. Maybe I..."
"What the fuck are you doing?" hissed the buxom brunette that had originally brought the drinks to Sera and Tania. "Get these fucking sluts out of here!" she demanded. "These two drugged out sluts are getting all kinds of fucking attention, you think a blonde like that and a big titted chick with green hair ain't going to be noticed? Get them the fuck out before you have these whore sucking your dicks! We don't need the police fucking down here!"
Chase wanted to spit back something nasty to Jody, but she was right. He wanted this blonde bitch to keep yanking on his dick, but that could wait a few minutes. "Come on," he said to the other three men as he gently pulled Tania's hand out of his pants. He leaned over to Tania as the two men by Sera pulled her away from the blonde. "Come on baby, we got a better place for this."
"No..." Tania groaned as the drugs drove her on. She wanted his cock, she wanted to suck on it, and she mostly wanted him to impale her on it and made her cum. As Chase guided her from the booth, he helped push down her skirt on those long, lean legs. Antonio slip around to her other side. "Yeah baby, we got a limo with your name on it."
Sera half tumbled out of the booth as she was yanked away from Tania. A protesting moan escaped her lips as she felt both pairs of strong hands on each of her arms. As soon as she was pulled out of the booth, her legs gave out from underneath her, relying on the two burly men to support her. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets as a surge of sheer pleasure rolled through her body brought on by the drugs coursing through her system.
"What the hell is that smell" Nate asked as the pungent aroma of Sera's juices wafted underneath his nose.
As the Avani princess hung limply in their arms, her head sagged forward on her shoulders, forcing her to look straight down at the two massive bulges in their pants. She licked her lips unconsciously as she imagined how big each of those throbbing members must really be. All four men dragged Tania and Sera toward the back of the club, each woman protesting weakly...unconvincingly. As they pushed the back door of the club open a cold breeze rushed in through it, making Sera shiver in place.
"Almost there sweetie" Chase hissed to Tania.
As the two beautiful women were dragged out into the cold autumn night the men laughed and joked about what they were going to do to each of them. Walking down the short flight of stairs behind the club they dragged the girls out into the alley where the limo was already waiting. Nate cursed as he stumbled a bit on a discarded alcohol bottle, causing him to release Sera and dropping to her knees. Sera tried to find her footing, but her legs caved again and she stumbled forward, landing on her haunches on the cold concrete just next to the limo
"Wha...wai...Tania?" She gasped breathily, her breath in tiny clouds in the icy cold air.
Before Sera could even form a rational thought, Matt and Nate were on her once again. On some level she knew this was wrong, but her Avani body was working against her, aided by the powerful aphrodesiac that was in the drinks. As soon as they moved in close enough, Sera reached up with each hand and began grabbing at their belts. With a deft touch she unbuckled each belt one handed and her hands dove down into their pants.
"Damn" Gasped Matt
"Ever see a girl this horny before? We didn't even drug her that much!"
Sera licked her lips wantonly as she fished out their cocks. Each of the throbbing members stood at least 10 inches long, pointing at her face threateningly. A startled gasp escaped her lips in the form of a white cloud as she stared, hypnotized by the giant shafts. With a contented sigh she reached out and touched them gently, drawing a soft gasp from each of the men as she began stroking them lovingly. Her purple eyes cut to the right to see what Tania was doing
Tania stumbled out the door, her mind spinning and drugged. Most women would have collapsed in a drooling stupor but her Amazon constitution kept her moving. As Chase pulled at her, he pushed her against the hood of the long black limo. She stumbled forward, but even now she wanted to resist. Tania put a hand on Chase's chest to push him back, but the stout college athletic slapped her hand aside.
"I'll be damned, she's still fighting it? What the fuck!" Antonio exclaimed. "She's barely fucking conscious!"
"Grab her," Chase ordered.
Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Sera on her knees, her purple eyes glassy and her cocoa brown hands holding two cocks. "N..no..." she gasped. Tania had to risk her secret identity to save her friend, she had to. She stumbled on her heels and tried to gather herself for a moment and concentrate enough to change into Ultra Woman. She brought her wrists up in front of her, touched them together and...
"Ungh!" she grunted as Antonio suddenly grabbed Tania's arms just above her elbows and pulls her arms back. She struggled against Antonio, but without her bracelets and with the drugs coursing through her body, she had no chance against him.
Chase was getting very irritated with this blonde slut. How could she still be fighting in when her green haired friend had two cocks in her hand?! He wanted to rear back and punch her, but he resisted it. Bruising would show in the morning. "Maybe you just need some encouragement..."
Tania struggled weakly against Antonio as Chase reached out, grabbed her white blouse, and ripped it open. As buttons bounced across the dirty alley, Antonio shook her and Chase watched her breasts bounce in the black lace bra. "No..."
"Oh yeah, keep hold of her..." Chase ordered as he pulled the lace down and Tania's engorged nipples poked out.
As Chase locked his lips around her nipple, Tania let out a gasp, eyes going wide as the passion exploded in her rock hard nipple and seemed to detonate in her head. His other hand began to knead her other breast.
"Gods...stop..." Tania groaned as her pussy returned to life and she barely noticed that she began to grind her hips into Antonio's bulge. She could feel his thick snake pressing into his pants and she pushed it between her ass cheeks and could feel some part of her thrill to feel his pulse between her crack through his pants and her black skirt and thong. Her arm slipped behind her back and she rubbed his hip as her heart raced. For a moment she had been able to resist the drugs, but as soon as her nipples hit the night air and Chase began to suckle and nibble on the hard nub, Tania felt her resistance melt like snow in an oven.
Sera's purple eyes locked on Tania as her friend attempted to resist the two devious men. She saw her fighting them with every last inch of her resolve and it awoke something in Sera. It reminded her she was still a Star Sapphire and she needed to fight. But everything in her body just wanted to give in and just enjoy the pleasures being forced upon her. Her head rolled back on her shoulders and she realized what she was doing. Her hands moving of their own accord and stroking the massive members inside them.
"No..." She practically whined.
Through sheer strength of will, Sera managed to uncurl her fingers from the throbbing shafts and let her arms fall limply at her sides. Both Matt and Nate groaned dejectedly as they felt her hands release them. Slowly the Princess rolled to her side and, placing one hand on the car behind her, managed to force herself up to one knee. The drug was still coursing through her veins and making her movements clunky and ackward even though she'd only digested a 3rd as much as Tania had.
"Where you goin sweetheart?" Nate laughed
Sera wanted to smack the smug man, but everything was still spinning and she could barely even focus on him. Finally with a loud grunt she forced her way up onto her feet, wobbling from side to side on those heeled boots. Matt and Nate just laughed as she tried to muster some form of resistance. She could see Tania sandwiched between Chase and Antonio, squirming in erotic agony and she had to help. Drawing in a deep breath she took a step toward Tania, but something grabbed her from behind.
"Heyyyyyy...." She groaned aloud into the cold night air.
She felt two hands slide around underneath her arms and clamp down over her heaving breasts through the purple tank top. A shocked gasp escaped her lips as they began rolling the massive orbs around her chest, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Sera's posture slumped slightly and her head hung forward on her chest in resignation as she thought she might cum then and there from the talented fingers.
"Please...." She whispered pitifully.
Bringing one arm up she reached out for Chase's back, trying to help her friend as they locked eyes over his shoulder, but it fell limply back to her side moments later. The hands continued working over her breast until the purple fabric bunched upward and revealed the massive breasts underneath. Sera squealed in shock as the cold air rushed over her nipples and her head rolled backwards onto Matt's shoulders, his hot member digging into the exposed skin of her lower back.
The soft clouds of breath escaping Sera's lips grew more and more rapid as her body quaked with pleasure. Her purple eyes were clouded over and filled with lust as they stared up at the night sky. She couldn't let this happen. She had to fight what felt so good. She had to help her friend. But all that melted away as she felt Nate's hand slide underneath the front of her skirt. He bunched up the pleated fabric, exposing the thinly cut thong hiding underneath, darkened with Sera's juices.
Running his fingers along her slit through the soft satin fabric drew a long deep throated moan from the princess. Her shoulders sagged back against Matt as her hips thrust up toward Nate's hand unconsciously. Looking down over her body she could see the bulge moving underneath her skirt, filling her mind with erotic imagery to go along with the talented fingers tracing over her sex. She looked forward over Nate and Chase's shoulders to Tania, pleading for some kind of help with a pained gaze.
Matt smiled at Nate from over Sera's head began to gather up the green haired girl's skirt from behind. "Holy..." he said in admiration as the brown bottom appeared before him. His cock switched as it rested against the small of Sera's spine at the sight. "You should see this ass, holy shit!" Dipping down between her cheeks was the thong that did nothing but accentuate Sera's curvaceous Avani backside. He kept one hand full of her heavy breast, as he kneaded it slowly in his firm grip.
Nate ran the back of his hand over Sera's cheek while, beneath her skirt, he ran his finger along her slit. He went gently..for now...rolling the finger on her clit as he felt the wetness easily soaking through the small thong covering her sex. He pulled his hand out and let Sera's skirt fall down over his growing erect and drape over the fleshy pole.
"Here little girl, smell thi..." he started to say as he brought up the wet finger towards Sera but instead looked at his hand. The scent was overwhelming! It was like coconuts and fruit and...
"Nnhhghh.." he groaned as his felt his cock grow quickly erect. He looked down to see it bulging up under Sera's skirt, even thicker and stronger than it has been that time he has overdosed on that Erecta knockoff medication. "Fuck, here, grab this sweetheart," he said as he pulled Sera's hand to his cock tentpoling her skirt.
Tania ground his hip into Antonio's crotch. With Chase tormenting her nipple and his other hand kneading her breast through her bra, the drugs inside her took over. Behind her, she let he slip into Antonio's pants. As her fingers reached his sex, she let out a soft groan and knew her sex had just stained the thong she was wearing. Without realizing it, she licked her lips and let out a soft sigh. "Oh yes...." she sighed, "yesss..."
Sera's lithe athletic body arched outwards as the hot spike of Matt's member dug into the soft skin of her lower back. She tried to focus and force her body to react, but the hand kneading her breast was just so distracting. As the princess arched away from his cock she only drove her swollen breast deeper into his talented fingers, the massive orb sloshing in his grip and pillowing out between each of his fingers. She hated how her body betrayed her, but it felt so good it was practically irresistible with the drugs coursing through her system. Her breath grew ragged and heavy as she felt the tingle of an orgasm rising up inside of her just from the thug playing with her breast.
"Please...no...." She whined between gasps as her head fell back against his shoulder, her long green hair spilling down over his back.
Her body lurched with every pass that Nate's finger made along her slit underneath her tight fitting thong, making her hips grind up against his hand despite the weak protests escaping her lips on little clouds of heated breath. Sera felt her pussy leak even more of the heady Avani fluids as his finger pulled away. The alley was spinning around her as she felt her wrist being pulled to his cock. Instinctively her fingers wrapped around the massive shaft, closing the fabric of her skirt around it as she began stroking it slowly, dragging the soft material back and forth along it.
Across the way Antonio chuckled lightly as he felt Tania's hand dip into his pants, drawing a contented sigh from his lips. Still holding her tightly he leaned in and exhaled a few soft puffs of heated breath into her ear. Holding her arms behind her back with one arm, he let his other hand wander down the back of the powerful Amazon's body. His fingers stretched out over her perfect ass cheeks, slowly bunching up the black fabric around her waist and exposing her thong covered ass.
"I don't know Matt...you should see this one!" He called out. "She's a fighter but this slut is starting to like it"
Antonio's hand kneaded her firm ass cheek for a few moments before sliding up to her lower back and sliding down the back of the skimpy black underwear. Working the small strip of fabric out from between her perfectly toned ass he slowly began forcing his long middle finger between her clenched ass cheeks as the tried to resist him. Chase was too absorbed by Tania's perfect breasts to even notice what was going on around him. Her breasts were absolutely stunning, the sweet smell of her sweat mixed with her perfume driving him onwards.
He released her barely exposed nipple from between her lips for just a moment, admiring the way his saliva made the hard nub shimmer in the dim light. Reaching up with his free hand, he scooped the massive orb out of her bra, leaving it hanging over the top of the bunched up bra underneath it. Leaving the other one covered he licked his lips, looking at the way her exposed breast was propped upwards by her lingerie and could resist no longer. He dove in, drawing as much of her breast into his mouth as possible, devouring it hungrily.
Chase's other hand moved back up to Tania's still covered breast and began mauling it like a man possessed. The raw sexuality of the powerful woman who had been resisting them more than other girl before had totally ensnared him. His powerful hand lifted and weighed the orb inside it's lace cover. He pressed it back up against her chest, forcing the breast to smash outward underneath her bra. His powerful fingers that had brought so many girls to orgasm in mere seconds worked their magic, seeking out the hardened nub through her bra. A deep moan resonated in her breast as he sucked it as soon as his fingers began plucking at her nipple through the soft fabric.
Tania let out a gasp and rose up on her toes, high enough that her stiletto heels left the ground, only to be pulled back to the ground by the hands on her breasts. As Antonio's finger forced its way into her anus, the superheroine felt her sex ooze her liquid sex, soaking her thong. Her hand stroked Antonio as she reached back to unzip his pants and pushed them down, then feverishly forced down his underwear. Normally she was not like this, but with the four doses of the drug, that tiny submissive side of her, the side she would only explore with the most trusted of heroes and friends, was dominating her Amazon psyche.
"Please..ju...just...take me..." she heard herself begging as she pulled out Antonio's shaft. She angled her hips up, not wanting his cock in her ass, but in her sex where she was so badly wanting him. She was starting to smell the Avani aphrodisiacs coming from Sera and those were adding to all the sensations that were burning inside the Amazon's mind and body. Sweat was beginning to soak her dress, her panties, her bra, her hair. "Please..do it..." she begged again. Out of the corner of her eye she vaguely saw Sera being handled by the two men, but it barely registered with her mind feverishly blazing with sexual hunger. The need was almost painful; she would do anything for release!
Nate watched as her little skirt was covered around his long shaft. Sera's hand worked him and he let her. "Hey look, that slut's skirt is like a condom...too bad it won't protect her!" he chortled. He reached out to run his hand over her cheek, almost gently, but knowing the effect it would have on her with that drug in her system. Meanwhile with his other hand under her skirt, he began to stroke it faster along her slit through the thong. He could feel his own heartbeat racing; this crazy green haired slut was built better than any of those skinny supermodels they have raped in the alley before. She was far better than any of them so far!
From behind Sera, Matt's hands kneaded her sloshy, heavy, high breasts against her chest. The flesh pressed between her fingers as he ground the heavy meat against her chest. "Damn I thought these things had to be fake!" he gasped in amazement. "You know this chick must have had a baby or something, these things are firmer than hell but I swear she's gotta be close to squirting out a gallon of tit milk!"
Matt kept a firm grip on her breasts as he leaned his hips back and brought his cock up under her skirt which was gathering up around her hips on her back side. He pushed it between her cheeks and started to saw it just a bit, poking the head between them. "Come on...what do you want?" he hissed in Sera's ear as her head rested on his strong shoulder.
Sera groaned in erotic esctacy as Matt manhandled her from behind. Her breasts throbbed as he kneaded them just perfectly. The soft flesh spilled between his fingers as he rolled them around her chest just perfectly. She silently cursed her Avani physiology as the manipulation of her breasts sent chills down her spine. Her body in complete control she arched her back outward, forcing the massive orbs deeper into his hands.
"Please....no...can't....Keelah thats...so good" She groaned in between ragged gasps.
The alien girl couldn't believe it. The man manipulating her breasts was driving her closer and closer to orgasm just by playing with them. Her sex was practically gushing her sweet smelling juices over Nate's fingers. And Nate's fingers weren't helping either. The feeling of that throbbing cock in her hand felt so wrong and yet she couldn't stop stroking it. Her body lurched forward slightly as she felt Matt's cock pressing up against her ass underneath her skirt. The shock provided just enough of a lapse in her concentration for Matt's hands to finish the job. Her body arched outward like a bow as her head fell back against his shoulder and she let out a gutteral cry into the cold night air.
"ShitshitshitshitUNNNNNNNNNNNNGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Sera cried out as her first orgasm claimed her purely from the manipulation of her breasts, little bits of brown fluid leaking out of her nipples and running down the underside of her breasts.
Both Chase and Antonio paused from attacking Tania as Sera's orgasmic cry caught their attention.
"Shit Matt you made her cum from her breasts alone!" Chase called out
"Shut up man! She's begging for it" Antonio called out to his partner.
Antonio smirked as he stared into Tania's eyes while she dropped his pants down to his ankle, exposing his massive member. He leaned forward and pressed the head of his cock up against her dripping wet sex, tracing the head back and forth along her slit, teasing her mercilessly. His thick finger wiggled from side to side inside of her tightly clenched anus. Her pleading voice begging him was like music to his ears. He had never been with a woman this hot in his entire length and intended to enjoy every last second of it.
"Let's make her work for it...." Chase chuckled
Chase stood in front of the bent over blonde woman. His tented pants directly in front of her face as Antonio controlled her from behind. Reaching down he unbuckled his belt and let his pants fall down around his ankles, revealing the tented boxers underneath. His massive shaft twitched underneath the fabric in the cold air as he reached out and grabbed hold of the blonde woman's scalp, getting a firm grip on her hair and guiding her face toward the bulge.
"Mmngh...nghhh.." she garbled as her tongue lapped out and her lips stretched, but Chase's fistful of blonde hair held her back. "Please...please...give me...give it to me..." she panted as she felt that finger in her ass. She glanced over to see Sera orgasming and the scent flowed into the alley like a cloud of pheromones.
"Uunnghh..." Tania groaned as her eyes rolled back in her head for a few seconds. Her own sex gushed, thick globes of liquid arousal that rolled down the inside of her thighs. She arched her ass into the air and lowered her belly so Antonio had full access to the depths of her sex. "P..please...f...fuck me..." she groaned again, her blue eyes glassed and foggy. Her hips wriggled, her firm Amazon ass arched upwards as she leaned back towards the cock teasing at her slit.
Nate watched wide eyed as Sera's erotic cries filled the alley and he could also smell the pheromones. He looked down to see the light brown milk seeping from her nipples in wonder. "Oh yeah, she cannot possibly have real tits that do this without having a baby or something right?" he said. "Ah, fuck it, I always wanted to try this," he added as he wrapped his lips around her nipple. As Matt gave the soft gland a squeeze, Nate drew Sera's nipple into his mouth and suckled.
"Mmmmm..." he murmured happily as he tasted the milk and slurped it down. It was like coconut and tasted incredible. Almost instantly, as the milk soaked into his system, Nate felt his cock grow in size and he felt like he could fuck for hours and hours. As milk dribbled over his chin, he pulled away and rubbed the back of his hand on his chin.
He slapped Sera's hand away from his cock being jerked off with the soft skirt. "Enough of this, time to fuck already," he said as his cock was exposed. Normally eight inches long, it had swollen even larger than Nate had ever seen. "Come on, lift this slut up, time to get busy!" he said as he grabbed Sera's hips and lifted her off the ground. "Meat sandwich for this slut!" Matt agreed as he released Sera's sensitive breasts and helped lift up the Avani princess.
Sera arched her back acrobatically as Nate drew more and more of her milk into his mouth. Her cries burst from her lips, echoing in the alley in the cold night. He relished the flavor and realized a distinct change in his body. He felt better physically that he had in years. He felt as if he'd gotten a full year of sleep and almost as if he could jump 10 feet in the air.
"Jesus...this is amazing!" He called out to Matt.
Matt didn't even respond, his blue eyes had glazed over as he got a whiff of the sickly sweet smell her juices released. Sera cried out in shock, almost in protest as her hand was ripped away from his cock, whining in disappointment. She wanted it so bad, her mouth parted slackly as ragged gasps escaped it in quick succession. She would have begged for it, but she was so overwhelmed with arousal that she couldn't even form the words, only sounds of bliss.
"Please....unnnghhhhh....hot....." She gasped, pleading for the cock that was pulled from her grasp.
Her eyes went wide with horror and excitement as she saw the effect her milk had on his cock. It didn't effect males on her planet that way, humans must be different. She squealed in shock as she felt her heeled boots leave the concrete of the alley floor, lifted by those strong hands on the back of her thighs. She didn't want to fight anymore. She didn't care, all she wanted was what both of these men were offering.
"Oh ya she wants it bad!" Antonio laughed from behind Tania.
It took all of his willpower not to drive the entire length of his massive cock into her glistening wet sex, gentle wisps of steam rising off of it in the cold air. He gripped her hips tightly as she bowed her back and arched her pussy back toward him. He panted heavily as she thrust back against him a second time, digging his fingers into her hips to keep her from succeeding he shifted his cock forward, sliding the shaft along the length of her sex. He released a gutteral groan as he thrust it back and forth letting the thick veined member run back and forth along her slit.
"Fuck...she's amazing" came Chase's voice as the Amazon's tongue lapped at the head of his cock.
Still gripping her hair tightly in his hand he pulled her head forward, thrusting the entire length of his cock into her mouth. His head rolled back on his shoulders and he stared skyward at the amazing sensation her lips and tongue were causing. As she continued working it over eagerly, Chase noticed something was wrong. He smelled something, something sickly and sweet, like honey and coconuts. It clouded his senses as he felt his entire body come alive.
"Holy....shit......shitshitshit" He began pleading,
He didn't know what was wrong with him. He'd never felt himself get this close to cumming this fast before. That heady aroma smothered his senses like a velvet glove and the talented tongue working over his shaft was too much to resist. His fingers clenched down into her blonde hair and pushed his cock as far in as her throat would allow, holding her there as the massive member delivered it's payload into her the back of her mouth.
Tania's body went flush as her face contorting in a terrible visage of uncontrolled passion. Bent over, his hand twisting around in her magically straight, silken dark blonde hair that was getting messier with each second, Tania was helpless as his cum burst into the back of her throat and instantly set off the Amazon curse. "Glkalkkk....glkk..." she choked as she tried to cry out but her screams were corked. His white seed sputtered from the edges of her lips and rolled down her chin and spray across his cock and balls and groin.
As Antonio looked down at his dark cock teasing at her slit, the blonde woman's sex sprayed out a mist of liquid female cum that was common to all Amazons as she orgasmed uncontrollably. Her legs spread farther apart, heels scratching at the dirty alley, but her ass arched higher. It was the ass of a professional dancer or athlete, not the usual dancers that came here. Her hands grasped blindly at the air, fingers twisting as the orgasm rippled through the blonde and wrecked her.
Tania could not think of anything but surviving the orgasm shattering her. Between the Amazon curse, the cum she had to gulp down to keep from asphyxiating. the cock teasing her pussy, and mostly the drugs burning through her, the helpless blonde quivered and quaked and screamed into Chase's cock and sent incredible vibrations down its length.
"Come on, lift this slut up," Nate said breathlessly. His manhood felt harder than it had ever been, as if it were about to burst out like some animal from his very body, "come on," he ordered as he grabbed his cock and pushed it up between Sera's pinkish brown lips. Matt held her by the hips as he bent his head down to start sucking on Sera's neck like some vampire.
Forcing pushing the head of his bloated cock inside Sera's lips and ready to go deeper, Nate grabbed Sera's hips. As his finger dug into her perfect ass, Nate thrust his hips upwards as Sera fell down and his cock drove into her. "AAAAHHH!!' Nate groaned as his pink walls surrounded his shaft and he felt his cock instantly explode. As his cum burst out inside Sera, he lifted up on the balls of his feet and his eyes rolled back in his head. Never had he came so quickly but Nate was not disappointed. The way he felt, this was only the first time he was going to soil this princess tonight!
Antonio's eyes went wide in shock at the stunning display before him. He'd never seen a woman orgasm like that before and it completley blew his mind. The mixed smells wafting underneath each of their noses was too much for the men to bear. They both leaped into action, almost competitivly over the blonde woman who was reduced to a quivering mess on the alley floor. Reaching out, Antonio grabbed a handful of the blonde's tangled hair, pulling her backwards and up onto her wobbily legs.
"Fuck that! I want her too!" Chase grunted out, still a little dazed from his orgasm.
As soon as the blonde was jerked backwards, Chase's muscular form surged forward. Reaching out he grabbed one of her unsteady long legs and pulled it up to his thigh. His muscular body pressed up against her sweat soaked frame, mashing her breasts back up against her chest as he stared deeply into her glazed eyes. His massive cock slid between her legs, the shaft of it resting against her slit and slowly dragging back and forth a few times before the head pressed up against her slit insistantly, trying to force it's way in.
"Fine by me bro! You know I like the back door!" Antonio chuckled into Tania's ear.
His big strong hands slid down, cupping both of her ass cheeks in their firm grip. Lifting her other leg, he pressed it up against Chase's other side, allowing the blonde to lean her weight back against him. His thumbs worked their way between those perfect ass cheeks and began spreading them slowly. Less then a second later the massive head of his cock, still glistening with Tania's juices was pushed between them, trying to work it's way deep inside of her.
Sera didn't even have time to think. The massive cock slid inside of her so easily she was so wet and as soon as Nate came, a second orgasm rolled over Sera. Her body arched upward and she stared skyward as she let out a primevil scream. Her ample breasts bouncing on her chest as she writhed in the throes of her second orgasm in minutes.
As Nate fired stream after stream of semen into her, flooding her with more seed than he had ever released before, a fortunate side effect of the Avani juices. Sera slumped forward, her swollen breasts pressing against his chest, the sensation of her juices mixed with his running down her thigh making her quiver with excitement. Her hot breath rolled out along his well toned chest as her head turned to the other side, and she saw Tania not faring much better than herself.
"Unnghh, her too..." She moaned softly, forgetting all about Matt.
"Yeah, we're going to fuck both of you all night long," Matt whispered in Sera's ear as he pulled away the long strands of green hair from the side of her face. He teased the lobe of her ear with his tongue. He grabbed her by the hair at the back of her head and followed her gaze towards the blonde being impaled on the two rigid cocks. "You want that, don't you?" he whispered in her ear.
As Nate punched his shaft upwards into Sera, his face twisted in his orgasm, his cock spurted out his thick seed that ran down Sera's inner thighs. "Aaaaghhh....ggooooooooddddaaammmm..." he groaned. His hands held onto Sera's thick ass tightly, holding her up while he sank his shaft into her in short powerful strokes. His heart raced and pounded in his chest as his balls were tight and his body glistening with sweat already. That scent...it seems to be taking him over, driving him on even more than normal. He had taken every drug around, from viagra to street cocktails, but nothing like that scent had ever made him cum so fast...and make him feel strong enough to do it again and again!
"Fuck this being nice," Nate said as he pulled Sera off his cock and shoved her down and out of Matt's hands. Matt tried to hold her up but her sweaty body slipped through his fingers as she landed on the dirty alley asphalt. Before she could recover, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled Sera up to her knees. "Now, you know what you want to do," he said as Matt slipped his fingers under her chin and placed the knobby head of his cock near the tip of her nose.
Tania felt the thick head of Antonio's thumbs pulling apart her ass cheeks."No...no no..." she cried as her head shook back and forth. "No...not there! No NO!" she screamed. In the alley, with the thumping music coming from the club, no one heard her screams as Antonio's velvet head began to push into her ass. Her body stiffened, despite her orgasm and the drugs, as she felt him prying her ass apart. "NO NO NOOOOAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!' she shrieked as Antonio mercilessly pushed himself inside her. As she was spread open and the head of his cock penetrated her, Tania stiffened, then relaxed as she sank down onto his cock, impaled from behind. Her legs arched wide to ease his way in. Her head lolled to the side as she looked over to see Sera on her knees with two cocks at her face. "...no...not you...too..."
As yet another orgasm assaulted Sera's body she felt it all leave her. Her will, her strength, even her understanding of what was going on around her. The alleyway was spinning around her, Tania's cries and moans filled her ears, her body was on fire. She could feel the hot seed of the men running down the inside of her thighs to her knees. There was no way the poor Avani girl could resist anything. As soon as Matt lifted her nose and she felt the sensation of his throbbing cock on her face she lost control.
"Unnnhhhh yessssss" She hissed softly.
Opening her mouth wide she devoured the head of his cock hungrily. As her lips wrapped around it she slid her mouth down the shaft until it touched the back of her throat. Bringing up her hand she grabbed the base of the shaft and began stroking it skillfully, her lust filled eyes looking up into the younger man's eyes. Her head began bobbing rapidly, using her hand as an extension of her mouth. Her nostrils flared as she panted through them, releasing moans of deep seeded passion that vibrated his member.
Antonio panted heavily into Tania's ear as he felt the woman relax, sliding further down his shaft as he held her from behind. The protests and the way she managed to resist dispite all the drugs in her body was only adding to the excitement he felt. Holding her firm ass cheeks in each hand he began sawing in and out of her ass. Slowly at first, but steadily picking up speed. Soon the front of his thighs were slapping up against her ass cheeks as he bounced her up and down.
"Jesus...." He groaned loudly, his warm breath rushing against her ear in rapid gasps.
Chase groaned loudly as he felt his massive cock slide into Tania's sex, the soft folds wrapping around it like a vice. Staring down at her stunning breasts that bounced each time the men slammed into her, he licked his lips hungrily. He began thrusting into her passionately, as she whined in protest looking over at her friend who was pleasuring Matt freely now. A smile crept over his face as he reached up with one hand and turned Tania's face toward him.
"Don't worry about her" He whispered.
Leaning in close, Chase pressed a soft kiss over Tania's lips. As their lips met the kiss grew in intensity. His hand gently caressed her cheek as his tongue slipped between her lips. The kiss was powerful and erotic at the same time. Loving and dominating as the pair of men rammed into the virtuous superheroine over and over again.
Tania's tongue thrust into Chase's mouth as her body jerked upwards with each thrust of the two men ravishing her. Chase held onto her hair while his hand roamed her body and Antonio held her off the ground by her hips. Her legs flailed with the twin thrusts. Like an erotic engine, Tania was hammered by the two pistons. Antonio would drive his cock into her ass, making her cry out in erotic pain and pleasure, but as he pulled back down, Chase's thick shaft would drive up into her pussy, making her squeal or sob with helpless pleasure.
"MNNhhhhh...MMMRRGHHHG...Mmmnhh...MMRRRHHGG!..." she cried into Chase's mouth as her legs flailed and she blindly wrapped her arms around Chase's linebacker shoulders and clawed at his back. Her sex oozed her Amazon fluids as they ran down the crack of her ass and over Chase's cock and dripped from his heavy, swaying balls.
Between the pounding sex, the Amazon curse that was helping to break her will, and the drugs coursing through her blood and mind, Tania started to hallucinate. She began to think she was in her Ultra Woman costume, although the costume was now a sexy dress, with blue and red pumps and red stockings in place of her red boots. Ultra Man was in front of her, thrusting his thick shaft along the length of her sex like he always had, making her cum like always as he kissed her feverishly. Any time she had needed an orgasm, Ultra Man had always come through and now he was doing it again, plowing her pussy with his long powerful strokes. Behind her was the dark hero of the night, Captain Liberty. His dark soul had taken her like this, down in his lair when she had let him bind, gag, and blindfold her and use her like that tiny part of her wanted to be used...and just as he had known how she wanted him to take away all her strength and make her helpless and vulnerable to him. Now here she was, the great Ultra Woman, Amazon champion and warrior, trapped between two powerful males, each one taking her, ravishing her, stealing away every ounce of her will and ripping the passion from her.
Tania threw her head back, breaking the kiss as her nails tore at the shirt on his back. "Gods! Oh Gods!" she wailed as tears formed in her eyes from the overwhelming passion. "Fuck me! Gods...yes..." she sobbed, her voice getting softer. Her face was flushed, her body glistening with sweat while the men's bodies ground against her. "Fuck me..fuck me my heroes..." she cried as she felt her orgasm rising violently inside her sex.
Matt groaned as Sera's lips wrapped around his cock and her Avani saliva soaked along the length of it. As her body chemistry hit the sensitive flesh and her erotic saliva was absorbed, Matt felt his cock seem to grow an inch longer. Her spasmodically wrapped his hands around the back of her head and twist her green hair in his fingers. "Holy fuck..." he groaned as he looked down to see the incredibly sexy, tanned (or so he thought) woman gobbling his cock.
Nate meanwhile circled around the girl on her knees. His own cock was already bigger than it had ever been and even though he had already came once, he felt like he could go on all night! "Come on baby," he said as he dropped to his knees behind the Princess. Grabbing her generous hips he pulled her back towards him while Matt held onto her head. Matt used his knees to part Sera's own knees as he started to line up his cock to plunge into the dripping folds of her sex. "Come on baby, time to get fucked silly," he said as he nudged the knobby head of his cock between her lips, took a firm hold of her incredibly curvaceous ass, and drove his shaft into her with all his strength.
Sera groaned sensuously into Matt's cock as it plunged in and out of her mouth. Her eyes were clenched shut as she tried to shut out the sensations assaulting her body. But deep down inside she knew it was over the second Nate penetrated her from behind. Instead of a squeal of protest a deep throated moan of passion vibrated through Matt's shaft. Her will was broken, her body acting completly on it's own and she wanted nothing more than to become a slave for the two men banging her relentlessly. She managed to pull her lips off of Matt for just a second and was able to gasp a couple words before he pulled her head back onto his member.
As Nate's shaft penetrated her deeper and deeper she began to buck back against him, meeting his thrusts. Her head began bobbing back and forth furiously as she brought up her own hand and began stroking Matt's cock as she sucked him off furiously. Her loud moans drove him mad as the vibrations teased him. Within moments her body was rocked with yet another orgasm. Her sex clenched down over Nate's cock as she released a muffled scream into Matt's cock.
"UUUMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She cried out as her juices gushed out of her sex, splattering out across Nate's thighs.
Chase groaned in turn into Tania's mouth as they kissed passionately, the woman rocking back and forth between the two men violently. His cock began ramming in and out of her faster and faster, her juices drenching his balls and thighs as she begged them for more. As Tania put all her effort into riding them, the two men could take no more. Her thrusting hips, her virgin tight sex and clenching ass sent both men over the top at the same time.
"OOHHHGGGGGOD!!!!" Antonio groaned into the Amazon's ear as he felt his cock spasm only seconds before he released the biggest load of his life into her ass.
"SHhiiitt.t.....me too!!!" Matt cried out almost in unison as his own cock fired deep inside of her sex, flooding it with more seed than any woman could hold.
"Noo....y..yes...Gods..." Tania cried as she broke from the kiss as she began to have spots appear in her vision. She orgasmed as she felt the first burst of cum explode into her sex, gushing and spraying with such power thanks to the Avani aphrodisiac affecting the two men. Her long legs with her torn stockings went out, one shoe dangling from her toes as she helplessly began to spasm. As Chase came inside her pussy, her sex tightened around him, holding and hugging him with her Amazon warmth and wetness. He came..and came...and so Tania orgasmed over and over, each wave destroying a piece of her. Meanwhile her body arched like a bow, breasts pressing into Chase's chest and her shoulders and ass back towards Antonio. His dark shaft buried inside her ass, she could also feel his cum filling her until it began to splatter out in this globules of his seed. It may have been the Amazon Curse or the drugs or Sera's aphrodisiacs, or her own inner weaknesses coming out, but Tania could do nothing but writhe off the ground, legs quivering, fingers twisting and tearing Chase's shirt, as she experienced her own double orgasm.
As the blood roared in her ears, Tania could not hear the cum from her own body and the thick white seed from the two men dripping and splatting onto the alley's dirty asphalt. Her blue eyes rolled back in her head and as the orgasm started to fade, Tania's arms and legs went limp, like a puppet with the strings cut. Her head lolled back, drool running out the corner of her flushed lips, her dry throat mewling softly as the two men kept their cocks inside her. Her legs, bent wide from the two shafts still impaling her, hung lifelessly, her thighs still held by Antonio. Vaguely, as she gasped for air and tried to remain conscious, Tania could hear the men finishing Seraph off as well.
"Oh yeah...oh yeah..." breathed Nate as he pounded Sera's pussy with all the energy he could muster. He grabbed her by the shoulders to get a better grip on the buxom green haired beauty. As he watched her amazing breasts slosh on her chest each time he drove himself within the puffy folds of her sex. His hands kneaded and mauled her curvaceous ass as he rammed her feverishly.
Matt nearly came when she looked up with those funky green eyes and told him to fuck her. "Rrgghh...gnnghh...yeah...facial..t...tiiiiMMMMMNGHH!" he groaned as he yanked her hair back and let his cum fly. His teeth clenched, Matt held Sera's beautiful face in place by her now tangled green hair as his balls tightened and thick streams of his seed sprayed across her perfect, innocent face. Load after load, thick strings of white liquid, slashed across Sera's face, more than Matt had ever seen! It kept coming and coming until he started to worry what was happening to him, until Sera's face was laced with dripping seed.
"N...now..." Nate groaned as he thrust himself in as deeply as he could go, held onto Sera's shoulders like an anchor, as he came almost violently. He arched his manhood forward until his balls slapped against the inside of Sera's thighs. Like the other three men, he unloaded his seed, this time directly into the Princess's womb. In seconds, she was filled and more of it rolled down the inside of her thighs in thick streams.
Chase and Antonio stood over the juice glistened and panting Amazon with looks of smug satisfaction over their faces. They couldn't stop staring at her as she lay there, fucked out of her mind. They each wanted to take her home, but they knew several people had seen the beautiful woman in the club disappear with them and it was just far too risky, no matter how big the payout might be.
"Best...night....ever...." Antonio panted, still winded from the exhausting sex marathon.
"Let's get her the fuck outta here before somebody sees us." Nodded Chase in response.
The two men took up either side of the helpless blonde and kneeled down. Reaching up to the trunk of the car, Chase unlatched it and pulled out two small pieces of coiled nylon rope. He passed one to Antonio and they set out binding the Amazon's wrists and ankles. Tying her ankles together tightly and her wrists in front of her, they picked up the still panting woman. A pair of muscular hands held onto Tania's arms and knees as they moved around behind the car.
"One....two....three!" They laughed as they tossed the squirming Amazon into the spacious trunk of the car before turning back to their other two friends that were just wrapping up with Sera.
Sera's shocked face turned into a lazy smile as Matt pulled out of her mouth and blasted her with stream after stream of his sticky seed. Sera's tongue slipped out of her mouth and licked her lips hungrily for a second just before Nate blew his load deep inside her womb. Her Avani physiology had completely taken over and her body was in overdrive, no longer aware or in control of what she was doing. Nate's orgasm ripped another one out of her, her body tightening up like a bowstring as she threw her head back and cried out into the cold night.
Her juices splattered Nate yet again, leaving his stomach and thighs coated with the heady aroma of her sweet fluids. Finally though both men were completely spent and dropped the girl to the alley floor. Panting softly, Sera could only watch as each of them composed themselves and gave her the same treatment her friend received. She could feel her hands being bound in front of her and her ankles being bound just below the knee.
"Best fucking night of my life" Matt chuckled as he lifted Sera up by her armpits.
Nate just chuckled and picked up Sera's bound ankles as they began carrying her over to the trunk of the car. Hefting her over the side they rolled her ontop of Tania and the stunned alien found herself face to face with the stunning blonde. Their ample breasts smashed up against one another, two sets of bound wrists forced up against each other's taut stomachs, as the men stood on and laughed.
"Slut sandwich!" Nate called out as he slammed the trunk down.
The lights went out in the trunk except for a dim red emergency light that made both their bodies glisten softly. Sera looked up into Tania's glazed eyes, clearly fucked beyond all sense of reason and licked her lips hungrily. Pushing against the side of the trunk with her bound feet, she pressed up against her and their lips met. She was beyond all logic or sensibility as she slid her tongue between Tania's lips, issuing a deep moan as the car began moving.
Tania groaned weakly as Sera's tongue darted into her mouth. Her breasts were mashed under the bigger, softer breasts of the Avani Princess. Her legs wriggled weakly in the bonds and her hands were trapped in front of her. Her body was tingling and alive as she felt the men's cum oozing from between her legs, as the juices and cum rolling off Sera's body soaked her. Her dress, twisted around the middle of her body, was damp as was her now dark blonde hair. She could feel the sticky cum on Sera's face squishing against her cheeks and Sera's salty kiss tingled against the inside of Tania's mouth.
Her mind was twisted around the idea of sex. She wanted to open her legs, to let this person on top of her enter her, ravish her, cum in her again, but she was trapped. The car was moving, she sensed that vaguely until the car abruptly pulled out, sending her tumbling onto her side and Sera off her. Tania's rolled weakly in the trunk until her face landed directly between Sera's breasts amidst a flurry of sweaty blonde hair. In the faint red light, she sensed the breasts and for a moment her sex addled mind thought that she was back on the island, before men, with her big breasted best friend Claire.
"Ohh...Claire..." she mumbled in a barely audible, cracking voice as she opened her lips and took in the hard nipple. As she started to suckle on it, the car turned against and accelerated, throwing her back towards the rest of the trunk and tumbling Sera back against her.
Inside the limo, Chase was in the back. "Fuck, listen to those sluts bouncing around!" he chortled. "That blonde had tits that were real! I couldn't fucking believe it, I thought those things were fake for sure!"
Nate nodded. "That other fuck, daaaaamn but she was a squirter! I fucking gotta towel off later!"
"Hey yo," Antonio interjected, "Don't forget that shit you got back there."
Chase looked at him in confusion for a moment, then his face lit up. "Oh right, the gas."
"Oh yeah," Matt agreed. "We don't want those sluts remembering anything. That fucking air tight trunk of yours was genius. By the time we get there, those bitches won't remember a single thing about tonight."
As Chase opened a panel in his custom built, million dollar limo, he turned a small valve and hear the satisfying hiss of gas.
Inside the trunk, Tania had managed to lift her thigh a tiny bit to rub it against Sera's mound as the two continued to kiss. In the red light, Sera's green hair seemed to take on a reddish hue to the addled Amazon, making her think Claire was here with her again, like those years ago before she became Ultra Woman.
Ultra Woman...for some reason, Tania's dizzy mind focused on that. She...she was Ultra Woman..she could...could change into Ultra Woman..how...change?...touching her wrists! That was what she had to do and they had bound her wrists together...so...
Then she smelled the chemically sweet gas seeping into the trunk. A red mist filled the small space, glowing in the faint light. As her lungs drew in the gas, all thoughts of Ultra Woman began to fade. Slowly her eyes became glazed and she could feel her body going limp. As the gas seeped into her mind, memories of the night started to fade as she sensed the limo coming to a stop.
Sera arched her back as much as the narrow trunk would allow, her head bumping against the door while Tania drew her nipple into her mouth. A long groan escaped Sera's lips as she pressed her breast tighter against those suckling lips. She heard the breathy moan and the name Claire escape her friend's lips, but she didn't care. She was completely absorbed in the fire burning in her loins. Her bound wrists slid back and forth along Tania's stomach awkwardly as she tried to free them. With an annoyed grunt Sera only managed to extend a long middle finger and press it up against Tania's pert mound, just barely finding the top of her slit as it started wiggling side to side.
"Ohhh.....Keelah...." She groaned, staring down at Tania's face in the dim red light as she devoured her nipple.
A strange chemical smell wafted underneath Sera's nose, making it wrinkle slightly. She could see the rolling clouds begin to fill the trunk and could feel the slight tickle of them wisping across her skin. But she didn't care. All she cared about was the woman underneath her sending pangs of pleasure through her entire body just by playing with her rock hard nipple. As the gas flooded her lungs the events of the past few hours began to fade from her mind altogether. The Avani princess couldn't remember what had happened to her, and could only assume that the woman underneath her was the cause of the raging arousal in her body.
"Ohhh...Tania...." She gasped softly, nuzzling her nose into the soaked blonde scalp pressed into her breast.
Stretching out her finger as much as her bound wrists and the cramped space of the trunk would allow, Sera began to slide it back and forth across the top of her newfound lover's slit, teasing her clit with a masterful stroke. The car began to slow but the two women didn't even notice, to absorbed into each other to even slow down. Sera's breathing grew heavier as she felt as if her breast was about to release it's sweet nectar once more.
As her finger began rubbing faster from side to side the trunk popped open. Chase, Matt, Nate and Antonio were all standing in a semi circle around the trunk.
"Would you look at that..." Chase said amazed.
Tania's body arched weakly as the finger rubbed against her clit until she felt hands roughly grabbing her.
"These two would fuck all night!" Matt said as he pulled Tania out with his hands under her armpits. She weakly reached towards Sera as her green haired friend was pulled out of the trunk by Antonio. With her wrists and knees bound, and fresh screwed and drugged senseless, the blonde Amazon could barely see straight. Her dress was twisted around the middle of her body as her heels slipped on the greasy, sex-stained spots in the trunk.
"Maybe we should fuck these two one more time..." Antonio groaned as the scent of the pheromones still oozing from the Princess reached his nose. "Daaaaaymn, my dick is hard AGAIN!"
Chase seemed to contemplate it for a second as he grabbed Sera's ankles and lifted her up, as Nate picked up Tania's ankles. As she wriggled, wrists bound in front of her, breasts bare and jiggling, nipples high and hard, the two men watched her. Nate glanced up at Chase, but Chase's expression became hard. "No! Fuck no!" he said with a gasp of willpower. "We would stay here all night and all day tomorrow fucking these two whores! Then get our asses in jail...remember the plan! It's worked every other time! Now let's go dump these two sluts and go finish getting drunk!"
The other three hesitated, but a glowering look from Chase convinced them. Tania felt herself heft up by her shoulders and just below her knees by the ropes that bound her long legs together.
Tania could only tell that it was dark outside as the two men carried her glistening, still horny body away from the limo. She faintly noticed the old railroad bridge, but could not focus on all the old brick boarded up tenements in the squalid neighborhood. The stumbled over broken bricks, shreds of clothing, and muddy holes. As they reached the embankment, Chase and Matt swung Tania once, twice, then a third time and let her fly. She limply flipped around in a circle then hit the ground with a grunt. Side over side over side, blonde hair whipping around her head, Tania rolled down the embankment towards the area beneath the elevated railroad. Unable to defend herself, bound tightly, the superheroine bounced down the dirty slope.
With a final splash, the beautiful heroine came to a stop in the small culvert at the bottom beneath the railroad bridge. A few hours ago, she had been a vision of beauty, but now, bound, covered in mud and cum, lying exhausted in a few inches of dirty, oily water, the Amazon felt the city spinning around over her.
With their grubby hands over a burning barrel stood two homeless bums as they watched the second woman come tumbling down the hillside. "Looks like they've been at it again," one said knowingly as he looked at the filthy blonde's amazing body...
Sera groaned in her sexual daze as the other two men grabbed hold of her hands and feet. Dragging her out of the trunk they followed Chase and Antonio toward the end of the slope. She got the vague sensation that the world was moving around her as they swung her back and forth. As they released her she tumbled down the muddy slope until she skidded to a stop at the base of the hill. The Avani princess, once beautiful, now covered in dirt and fluids coughed weakly as she rolled over onto her back.
"Unnggg.." She groaned weakly as she struggled to take in her surroundings.
Through her mud caked eyes she saw the forms of several homeless men standing over her and Tania. The smell of booze and sweat filled her nostrils. Her eyes swirled in their sockets as she squirmed around from side to side, curling up next to Tania's muddy form. She slid an arm around Tania's body and snuggled into her for support. She could see the rapidly growing erections pushing up the dirty pants the hobos wore and whispered softly as she closed her eyes.
"It's going to be a long night..."
Both women felt multiple pairs of hands grabbed hold of them, touching them from all sides. They could feel the forms kneeling down around them as they were slowly pulled apart. Sera clenched her eyes shut, not wanting to see the faces of their new captors. She felt something hard and warm press up against her lips before reality faded from view
They really go out of the frying pan and into the fire at the end don't they?